Parish Council Elections – 6th May 2021 – URGENT NEED
You have heard about Handforth Parish Council but – what about Eydon?
We can’t guarantee you becoming a viral YouTube star, but you could play a valuable part in Village life by becoming a member of Eydon Parish Council.
The long delayed round of elections will be taking place on May 6 THE whole Council of 7 seats is up for election. Nominations need to be in by Thursday 8th April.
A number of current Councillors are not seeking re – election after having served their extended term, but in any case, it would be really good for local democracy if we actually had an election.
At present we only have 2 sets of completed forms to be delivered, which means we do not have enough for a Council, and are in danger of having the parish administered by the Unitary Council.
The Parish Council is the first level of government in our Country, it is a necessary one in our village, amongst other things we spend your money on running the things in the village that most of us take for granted, including the street lights, grass cutting, the burial ground, the Village Green, organising litter picking.
The Parish Council also is the first point of contact for local Government responding to Consultation on residents behalf, are the guardians of the Village design statement, discuss planning applications. Organise commemorative events and so much more.
Your voice is important please consider adding it to the Parish Council, lets have local democracy and stand for Election!
If you are interested please contact one of the current Councillors or myself.
Keith Simmons
01327 263014
or the Village Clerk
Andy Hartley
01604 858360