Eydon Parish Council
Eydon is a generally quiet village, towards the south west corner of rural Northamptonshire.
It comprises about four hundred inhabitants, with an aerial grid-like structure to its four principal roads and lanes. The centre area of the village has been designated a Conservation Area, seeking to retain this structure and the ambiance of local stone dwellings. Amongst this idyll there is a small band of elected villagers who have volunteered to promote its ongoing charm, to organise its mundanities and to resolve minor disputes, as is within their power to do so. This merry band is called The Parish Council.
On this page, you can discover how the Parish Council is elected, its councillors and what it is busy doing. Elsewhere in the website, is a document archive, provided in good faith but on an as-is basis, detailing past meetings and the past and current budgets. The general public are welcome to the monthly Parish Council meetings and have an opportunity at its commencement to raise village concerns and issues, particularly in regard to the distributed agenda for the meeting. There is an Annual Parish Assembly at which reports of the wide range of village activities are presented.