The group was started in late 1996 with the aim of finding out more about the village and its history.
The village is blessed with a superb history, as we discover in ‘A Countryman’s Tale’ written by Syd Tyrrell and first published in 1973*. This whetted our appetites for more, and in 2001 we published the second volume of Syd Tyrrell’s work called ‘Syd Tyrrell’s Eydon’, which is available from EHRG.

We wanted to build on the stories of the people about whom Syd had written and to add more details about the world in which they lived. Although we have no oral history of the world and the village that Syd knew, in the past twenty five years many documents and records to which he did not have access have been made available. Using these and the modern IT tools has enabled us to add to his legacy.
Eydon’s On-Line Photo Archive
One of the main features of our website is the Photo Archive section. The archive is fully searchable by location, keywords, dates, title and description. Each image has some descriptive information about it, and we are keen to encourage website visitors to help us fill gaps in our knowledge. More images are currently being prepared and these will be added to the new website on an ongoing basis.
Our recently updated website can be found at:

Eydon Historical Research Group Website