It’s time to complete your Census form
Households should by now have received the Census Information Pack which explains how to complete the census. The unique access code enables people to complete the form online using any device.
If for any reason nothing has been delivered by 15 March, people can call the Help Line on 0800 141 2021 to an access code or to be sent a paper form.
How long will it take to complete the form?
If someone completes the form online allow about 10 minutes to complete the household section and around 10 minutes per person to complete the personal information. The form doesn’t have to be completed in one go. People can complete some information, save the form, and return to it at a later date. But the form must be completed by or on 21 March 2021.
Who should be included in the Census form?
Everyone who lives in the household. This includes:
- anyone who lives permanently or counts the address as their family home
- people temporarily away from home, for example students or school children boarding away
- people staying at the address temporarily if they live in the UK and have no other address
- people staying at the address temporarily from outside of the UK who are staying in the country for three months or more
There’s also a separate section to fill in for visitors – that is anyone staying in the household overnight on Census Day, Sunday 21 March 2021.
And don’t forget to include babies and children!
Who should fill in the Census form?
Typically, one person completes the form on behalf of everyone living in the household.
But if there are lodgers or adult children living at home, they might prefer to complete their own personal details. If they want to do this they can call the Help Line on 0800 141 2021 and get their own access code and complete their personal details.
And if people are house-sharing, everyone can have their own access code.
If someone isn’t able to complete their own form, a relative or someone else they trust can do it with them. There is no lower age limit for completing the form. If, for example, a young person is caring for an adult with disabilities, the young person can complete the form.
What sort of questions are asked?
There are questions about the household as well as some personal questions. The majority of the questions are compulsory but some (for example sexual orientation and gender identity) are voluntary. This year there is a new compulsory question which asks if a respondent has served in the armed forces.
Do people have to complete the form?
Yes they do. It’s a legal requirement. Anyone who deliberately fails to complete the form, or deliberately gives false information can be prosecuted and fined £1000.
Where can people get help?
Call the Census Help Line on 0800 141 2021
Visit – Census website
What special help is available?
Text Relay Service (18001) 0800 141 2021
Free language helpline 0800 587 2021 and online translations in a variety of languages
Help for anyone with accessibility needs such as Large print formats and Information in Braille Call 0800 141 2021
British Sign Language support is available online.