Welcome to Eydon Ladies!
Eydon Ladies
All ladies from Eydon and the surrounding villages are welcome to come to our meetings, which are normally held in the Village Hall on the third Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm.
Details of our exciting programme of events will be available shortly but our first meeting this year will be on 19th April, when we will collect your annual subscription.
As our programme of events is a little shorter than usual owing to circumstances beyond our control, membership for this year will only be £15 – we do hope you come along and support the group. The fee for guests and non-members is £3 per evening.
If you haven’t been to a meeting before, or are a little nervous about coming along please contact us and we will arrange for someone to call for you on the night. Simply click on the email link at the bottom of the page.
Some of our meetings involve speakers or topics which are of more general interest – we call these open evenings and absolutely everyone is welcome, partners, friends and, of course, potential new Eydon Ladies members.
Your new committee has great enthusiasm for the group to continue and lots of ideas for things to do, however, if you have ideas for potential speakers with contact details, topics or trips please let us know, fresh ideas are always welcome.
Carrie Bedford – Chairperson 01327 262706
Ruth Kukla – Treasurer 01327 264109
Sue Invernizzi – Secretary
Jill Findlay, Tina Howell – Committee Members
Email: eydonladies@eydon-village.co.uk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070704980730