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Eydon Village Design Statement (VDS) – Help Shape the Future of Your Village

This well produced document was prepared and introduced in 2011 by a dedicated team of Parish Councillors and village volunteers co-opted into a sub-Committee of the Parish Council.

It was adopted by West Northamptonshire Council (previously South Northants) as an official supplementary planning document. It has been generally well received by the planning Authorities and is still a primary planning document taken into account whenever planning applications are made within the Village and allows authoritative local input to the West Northamptonshire Strategic Plan.

This strategic plan is currently under review by the West Northants Unitary council and as mentioned, our own document is now 12 years old and consequently the Parish Council has decided it is time to review and update the VDS to allow it to continue to protect the Village from inappropriate development and potential loss of its open spaces and views, but also to give guidance on future development.

To enable us to undertake this task the Parish Council is asking you the residents to:

  • Read the document and email any views you may have for consideration – we promise to read them all and consider them.
  • Volunteer to sit on a new sub-Committee to review the document fully and either amend it by adding new appendices or produce a completely new version.

The Council has selected myself, Jonathan Walker, and Howard Carter to sit on this committee, but we really would welcome input from interested parties from the Village to enable this to move forward in a constructive, inclusive, and transparent way.

Please consider volunteering to assist with this crucial task and contact me directly at:

keith.simmons@eydon-village.co.uk or call 01327 263014
Keith Simmons—Chairman, Eydon Parish Council